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Intercultural communication
Short description
Intercultural communication is an interdisciplinary subject and the course includes educational, psychological, linguistic or ethnological components. In addition, disciplines such as media, cultural or social sciences will be included in the course.
The aim of the intercultural communication course is understanding between representatives of different cultures in order to ensure constructive cooperation.
Not only the language distinguishes countries and cultures from each other, the gestures, facial expressions, etiquette, tone of voice, physical distance and posture also vary depending on the culture.
The intercultural communication course deals with the two major complexes: culture and communication. Intercultural communication deals with the special features of understanding between different cultures.
• Introduction to intercultural communication
• Intercultural Competence
• Culture and cultural difference
• Construction of cultural identity
• Interculturality in digital media
• Intercultural Education
• Intercultural learning
• Multilingualism and second language acquisition
• Nonverbal communication
• Transculturalism